1999-01-07BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT MINUTES January 7, 1999 Beverly Public Library PRESENT: G. Whitney, D. Neuman, V. McGlynn, P. Allen, C. Raymond, J. Bolden, A. Burns, J. Murray, R. Badessa GUESTS: D. McPherson, L. Bochynskl G. Whitney opened the meeting, and asked if there was any Public Input. There was none. P. Allen made a motion to accept the Minutes of the November 5 meeting, V. McGlynn seconded, and all approved. D. Neuman made a motion to accept the Minutes of the December 3 meeting, V. McGlynn seconded, and all approved. Correspondence - G. Whitney received a note from T. Cassidy apologizing because she can't attend this evening's meeting. He also stated that the RFP and the Scope are not ready yet. G. Whitney also read correspondence from F. Killilea suggesting that we have an electrical analysis done. It should be a Marine Electrical Engineer. Treasurer's Report was handed out by R. Badessa. Harbormaster's Report - D. McPherson stated that he talked to Atlantic Business Forms, and they made adjustments to the prior figures that were quoted. Now it would be $93.00 for 100 copies, or $260.00 for 250 copies of the Marina Regulations and Procedures. D. Neuman made a motion that we order 250 copies, A. Burns seconded, and all approved. G. Whitney explained that he went to a meeting at City Hall regarding licensing and permits on the waterfront as a result of a letter to the Kinzies and S. Jaber, from J. Provencal of DEP. It directed S. Jaber to submit a license application by December It also stated that if the City wanted Public Access across the Kinzie's property, they should talk to the Kinzies. The Mayor took the initiative to talk to the Kinzies. M. Handly will request copy of the Kinzie draft license from J. Provencal. D. Neuman - Licensing & Permits There is still a question regarding the Cummings property licenses and the public access walkway. Many Tuck Point marina slips remain unauthorized. A. Burns will get together with D. McPherson to send a letter to Tuck Point. P. Allen - Facilities It was recommended that the Porta-Potty be kept on the premises for one more month. It was also recommended that the dumpster be moved to a sunnier location for the winter to prevent freezing, and then it could be moved back during the summer. There were no objections. Allen will have a Facilities Committee meeting next Friday, the flfteenth at 9:00 a.m. at the Harbor Center. C. Raymond - Public Access Committee C. Raymond wrote a letter to the about boat overhanging public walkway. He will send a copy to M. Handly. A. Burns stated that she received a call from S. Houseman, who talked about signage at Bass Haven. He would like any letters go to the Board instead of discussions with the Commodore. G. Whitney stated that a letter did go. G. Whitney stated that the 10A sheet fee ordinance was approved including a new fee structure. D. Neuman will arrange a meeting with F. Courtney to discuss if it would be prudent for Beverly to dredge at the same time that Salem does. J. Bolden just came in from another meeting and stated that a new road and new traffic lights will be established through Big Buck property to Summit Street. P. Allen made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by J. Murray. All approved. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss