April 8, 1999
Beverly Public Library
S. Whitney, R. Badessa, C. Raymond, P. Allen, A. Burns, D. Neuman,
J. Murray
Guests: D. McPherson, L. Bochynski,
Whitney called the meeting to order. There was no Public Input.
A Motion to accept the Minutes of the previous meeting was made by P. Allen,
Seconded by R. Badessa, and all approved.
G. Whltney stated that there was nothing new pertaining to the Ventron
Treasurer's Report was handed out by R. Badessa. It was accepted by all.
G. Whitney asked if anyone had any inputs to go into the budget for FY 2000.
There were none.
The Harbormaster stated that he held his 10A marina slip public meeting. He
will set up tentative dates with some applicants to review plot plans.
Whitney stated that 4 came in with permit applications, most were not in
order. At this meeting Tuck Point Condo Association complained of
problems due to Marina.
Planning and Development
RFP response date is May 18, 1999. 6 people have requested copies.
Tuesday there was a bidders meetinq at the McDonald's building. 2
representatives of bidders came. They had some good questions.
Parking under the bridge - DEP License for bridge states parking spaces lost
would be replaced. Also a strip of slips that was removed would be replaced.
City has elected not to pursue this issue with State.
Bidders expressed concern that this may be a problem.
J. Murray spoke of a study done in the past showing parking plans. This
Whitney says that another issue was "who owns the white building". The
deed has been located and the City has title.
Seaport Council Fund Grant.
D. McPherson, D. Neuman, and G. Whitney went to the State House and
observed the Mayor make a presentation for a grant. Approval for the money
was granted $45,000.00
S. Whitney stated that the proposal given to the Seaport Council was very
specific, for the 2 acres that the City owns for an engineering evaluation and
G. Whitney will have a committee review the proposals after May 18. The
review committee will be D. Neuman, R. Badessa, G. Whitney, T. Cassidy, and
possibly J. Dunn.
P. Allen had a meeting on March 19. They went through catalogs on
picnic tables and benches. She asked if the tables should match the ones on
the Ferryway. P.O. is made out to order the dark ones. P. Allen would like
to step down as chairman of the facliltles committee. C. Raymond will co-
chair with G. Whitney. All were in favor.
L. Bochynski stated that replacement floats will be done in the future.
C. Raymond and G. Whitney will talk about the dolphins at a Facilities meeting
on April 23, @ 9:00 a.m.
L. Bochynski stated that the area for the dumpster is ready for the summer
location. As for the old wooden fence, it is unclear who owns it. The
parking lines are ready to go. Signs - getting together with DPW; to get signs
Public Access:
C. Raymond received a call from A. Thibodeau requesting Public Access
signs. R. Birarelli received a non-compliance letter. G. Whitney sent a
letter te DEP, and C. Raymond also sent a letter, allowing more time.
Licenses and Permlts:
D. Neuman stated that American Boat Sales has filed for bankruptcy.
Thibodeau has filed for a permit for an 8 boat commercial marina to USACE.
The building inspector was asked for a written determination as to how many
parking spaces can be supported.
Bass River filed plans with the Planning Board. There will be a Planning
Board public meeting. Call G. Whitney for clarification of the night for this
Cummmngs Center - nothing new. Construction of McDonald's Elliott St. is well
on the way.
G. Whitney stated that there is a garage at the Cummings Center with no
license, everything seems to have stopped.
G. Whitney also stated that some of the City docks and floats may not be
properly licensed and in order. Plans should be modified as necessary by
License Committee.
G. Whitney stated that the Coastal Access Group indicated the BHMA is not
working close enough with them. Te Mayor was asked by that group if they
could be a sub-committee of the BHMA.
P. Allen made a motion to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
Eileen Twiss