1999-11-04BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES November 4, 1999 PRESENT: D. Neuman, P. Allen, C. Raymond, V. McGlynn, J. Murray GUESTS: D. McPherson, L. Bochynski, T. Cassidy C. Neuman opened the meeting. There was no quorum, so no votes could take place. There was no financial report, as the computer system for the City is being changed over. It was told at this meeting that J. Bolden has resigned. D. Neuman spoke of the Fort Point project. They have submitted their term report. This is a statement of conditions. They don't give the McDonald's building a good report. The other buildings are not handicapped accessible. There should be a mid term public report soon. There will be a hearing on the Kinzie property on November 23. This is to instruct the parties to get together to resolve the objection to the DEP draft license. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss