2003-03-31Beverly Cultural Council Minutes of March 31, 2003 7 p.m. Beverly Public Library Members in attendence: Lou Ann Faria, Jan Plourde, Doreen Ushakoff, Rachel Pohl Special guest Tom Scully, library director, to speak about the Bamet Gallery and the artist it is named for. Rachel Pohl arranged Mr. Scully's appearance. The meeting opened with a 15-minute presentation about a Beverly native, Mr. Bamet, who, though he gained fame while living in New York City, donated several of its paintings to the library. The Bamet Gallery has become a favorite meeting place for the Beverly LCC. The purpose of this meeting, which was originally planned for January but postponed for various reasons, including a particularly snowy winter, was to plan a strategy for increasing the visibility of the LCC. The council had identified the need to improve communication to schools, all applicants and build a better relationship with other arts organizations. Given the bleak financial picture in.the nation, state and city, however, the council decided to postpone any action until it was clear that funding to the LCCs would continue. Rachel Pohl mentioned that it was counterproductive to raise the profile of the LCC if its funding was at risk. All discussion on the subject was tabled. Lou Ann mentioned that the council was in desperate need of members. Lou Ann pointed out that those present at tonight's meeting, with just one active member absent, could not make any official decisions. Jan said she would ask two people, and Rachel agreed to recruit, as well.