2002-11-25Beverly Cultural Council
Minutes of Nov. 25, 2002
7 p.m. Beverly Public Library
Members present: Brad Waldron, Rachel Pohl, Jan Plourde, Lou Ann Faria, Doreen
Tonight's meeting served to update the committee on the unclear financial situation of
the council, to consider PASS Grant applications, to reject three LCC grants and to
estimate the amounts of all approved grants.
Lou Ann reported that she was having difficulty tracking the council's funds, because the
new city hall staff was still settling in, and contacting CFO Tom Durkin had been
difficult. Lou Ann said she had met with the mayor's new secretary, however, and the
secretary was willing to expedite grant reimbursement checks. Tom Durkin left a
message indicating that the council had $26,957.18 in its account. Lou Ann volunteered
to track the money and find out how much qualified as unencumbered funds. The council
agreed to add whatever unencumbered funds it had to its 2003 allocation of $7,120.
Lou Ann reported that she had been in touch with Joan Spencer from St. Mary Star of the
Sea School, and the school was willing to forego its PASS grants if the council would
consider funding its LCC. The council agreed to do so. As a result, when PASS Grants
were considered, it was agreed that all except the St. Mary's grants (P6, P7 and P8)
would be funded at least partially.
The council voted to reject three LCC grants for various reasons. L14, L28 and L29 were
turned down for the current funding cycle.
The council reviewed the remaining LCC and PASS grants and unofficially awarded
each. The possible total, if enough unencumbered funds remain, is $17,500.