2002-10-22Beverly Cultural Council Minutes of Oct. 22, 2002 7 p.m. Beverly Public Library Members present: Brad Waldron, Rachel Pohl, Jan Plourde, Lou Ann Faria, Doreen Ushakoff, Helen Lewis, ex officio Tonight's meeting served three purposes: 1) To open and organize grant applications for the current grant cycle. 2) To review them for hasic requirements and send postcards to applicants we would like to hear from at our Nov. 14 meeting. 3 ) To reorganize the council in light of Chair Helen Lewis's term expiration. The council accomplished each goal, with all members participating in the initial review and numbering of grant applications. Helen supplied the council with a written · breakdown of tasks required of the council and agreed to stay on as a non-voting member to assist with the leadership transition. Each member chose a task or two. The following responsibilities have been accepted by BCC members: Chair / secretary: Lou Ann Faria Treasurer: Jan Plourde (Jan agreed to delegate the responsibility, and the council agreed to reimburse that person for administrative duties). New/old member coordinator: Brad Waldron Publicity: Doreen Ushakoff Meeting coordinator: Rachel Pohl It was noted that the council needs more members, especially since Helen is serving this cycle as a non-voting member. The number of applications was siguificamfly lower than in previous years, allowing for a quick organization and numbering. Thirty-one LCC applications were received. Eight PASS applications were received. In light of the number of applications, the council agreed to cancel its Nov. 7 meeting and hear all applicants who wished to elaborate on their applications in five-minute sessions on Nov. 14. Postcards were addressed to all LCC applicants whose grants conformed to MCC guidelines. Council members agreed to familiarize themselves with all the applications before the Nov. 14 meeting to assure a reasonably smooth evening.