2000-07-25Beverly Cultural Council Meeting Meeting Minutes Tuesday July 25, 2000 - Beverly Public Library Attending: Helen Lewis, Susan Oleksiw, Marcia Hermann, Meg Anderson, Jan Plourde, Kristen Fenn, Tony Toledo The Beverly Cultural Council (BCC) held it's first meeting of the new grant cycle for the year 2000/2001 in the Program Room of the Beverly Public Library. The BCC is in the process of reorganization with members Tony Toledo, Susan Quateman and Kristen Fenn leaving the council in the past year. Susan Oleksiw and Kevin McGrath will continue and Jan Hourde, Marcia Hermann, Helen Lewis, Meg Anderson and Barbara Preston are all new members. The first order of business was to obtain an accurate list of members, names and addresses. The BCC reviewed the administrative process of the last grant cycle and it was agreed that all members would support the secretary and treasurer' s administrative duties at working meetings when grant applications come in for the fall application deadline, October 15 and before the final accounting deadline with the Massachusetts Cultural Council on December 15, 2000. The council spent time in this meeting defining Beverly Cultural Council Member Assignments and made a schedule of meetings for the next year (see attached). The council voted in favor of Helen Lewis and Susan Oleksiw acting as co-chahnran, Meg Anderson as secretary, Marcia Hermann as treasurer, and Jan Plourde as coordinator of new membership for the year 2000/20001. Helen Lewis gave the following update on the Matching Incentive Program 2001: The BCC is in the process of applying for a matching grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council. This process was initiated by Tony Toledo, who went before the Beverly City Council and requested funds for this program. The Beverly City Council agreed to give the Beverly Cultural Council $2,500.00 for this program. If the state approves this application the Beverly Cultural Council will receive a total of $5,000.00 in additional funds for the year 2001. The BCC should receive notification from the Massachusetts Cultural Council in September. submitted by Helen Lewis 7/27/00 Beverly Cultural Council Assignments l. Treasurer: Collect mail from PO Box during spring/summer. Create a spreadsheet of all grants. Submit receipts to city hall and follow up on checks issued to grant recipients. Organize meeting for final accounting/MCC paperwork for year end. 2. Secretary: Gather mail from PO Box during fall/winter. Organize meeting just after fall request deadline for council to organize all applications. Number applications, make spreadsheet and set schedule for open hearings (2 sessions). Letters of acceptance/denial for 2001 grant cycle applications. 3. Chairperson(s): Coordinate overall activities of council, planning and scheduling events for the year. Organize presentation for City Hall and prepare paperwork for MCC Matching Incentive Program. Keep current with requirements for MCC, plan & coordinate special projects. 4. Publicity: Develop a campaign to enhance BCC public image. Organize Public Input meeting. 5. New Member/Old Member Coordinator: Develop and maintain a fact sheet on BCC as well as a current list of members, phone numbers etc. Monitor number of current members, notify City Hall and MCC of any changes in membership. Help new members get oriented to BCC procedures. Recognize members who have served on BCC, and help recruit new members each year. 6. Meeting Coordinator: Person to arrange meetings, schedule and post with city hall, send press releases to paper, prepare agenda. Are reminder phone calls or post cards necessary before meetings? Bring BCC Posters for doors if necessary. Submit minutes to Tom Scully at Beverly Public Library. Beverly Cultural Council Meetings 2000/2001 Meeting: Grant Application Review Public Input Meeting Grant Writing Workshop Post Deadline Review of Grants Meet the Applicants Session I Meet the Applicants Session II Session I Review/Deesions Session II Review/Deesions Reconsideration Meeting & Financial/Sign Papers for MCC Matching Incentive Presentation Summer Meeting/Review Date: Monday, August 7, 2000 Monday, September 11, 2000 Monday, October 2, 2000 Monday, October 23, 2000 Thursday, November 2, 2000 Thursday, November 9, 2000 Tuesday, November 14, 2000 Thursday, November 16, 2000 Thursday, December 7, 2000 May - TBA July - TBA Time: Location: 7:00 Beverly Library 7:00 Beverly Library 7:00 Beverly Library 6:00 Beverly Library 6:30 Beverly City Hall 6:30 Beverly City Hall 6:30 TBA 6:30 TBA 7:00 Beverly City Hall