2000-09-11Beverly Cultural Council
Public Input Meeting Minutes
Monday September 11, 2000 - Beverly Public Library
Meg Anderson, Helen Lewis, Susan Oleksiw, Barbara Preston and members of the public
The Public Input meeting was called to order and followed the format of an informal discussion
related to the public input survey distributed at this meeting. We discussed questions and ideas
of how we could improve communication between artists and the public, how businesses in
Beverly could become more involved and the idea of developing a center for the arts. We
discussed the possibility of establishing a directory of current artists who live and work in the
community as well as a calendar of events related to the arts and the funds that are allocated by
way of the Beverly Cultural Council. Tom Martin suggested approaching businesses in the
down town area so that artists could display work in windows during the First Night
Celebration in Beverly. Ideas were offered about public buildings which might offer a place to
house an exhibit or place for artists to meet.
After the general discussion, the BCC members heard an update given by Helen Lewis about
the Beverly Cultural Council's Matching Incentive Grant from MCC. The city of Beverly
granted the BCC $2,500.00 for this year which will be matched by the MCC for a total of
$5,000.00 in additional funds. Press release and thank you letter to City Hall will be sent by
Helen Lewis.
Other Announcements:
All Beverly Cultural Council members are required by the MCC to attend Basic Training
Workshops contact MCC directly for dates and times of next workshop.
Next Meeting - Grant Writing Workshop with Tony Toledo Monday October 2, 2000 at
Beverly Public Library from 7:00-9:00
submitted by: Helen Lewis